A Story of Us

The story of us.

There is no story really.  Well not of ‘us‘ at least.  Not yet.  I just liked that line and thought I’d use it to write.  To write this.  You spoke with me today.  You pulled me into a conversation, but so terrified that my dirty little secret will be found out, I pull away. And, you weren’t alone.  Who’s he?  He is so goddamn good-looking!  I see the way you look at him, and know I can’t compete.  I’m so jealous, that I just want to peel away.

The story of you.

Do you know that you have the most engaging smile?  I am sitting in the dark, thinking. That’s what I’m doing right now, sitting in the dark, thinking about your smile.  It was not supposed to turn out this way.  This was not my plan.  You were meant to be forgotten. You were meant to be never minded.  I know that smile, and knew you would never be mine.  My smile now stolen, by him.  Who was that guy? And, Jesus Christ, why is he so goddamn good-looking?!

The story of me.

I existed before you, you know.  I’m almost sure I did.  Before I saw that smile, before I heard that voice,  before, I saw that…face.  Before, before, before.  Before I saw you, I had a pulse, I’m almost sure I did.  Who is that guy?  He’s tall, and so goddamn good-looking. And, with a goddamn fucking beard!  I mean, come on!  I too, have a beard.  Doesn’t that count?  I know, I know.   I’m not so tall, and I know, I am not so goddamn good-looking.  But, like him, but just like him, I have a beard.

And like him, and just like that guy, I now have A Story of Us.

Pure Poetry

Songs without music, is pure poetry.

Listen, can’t you hear the music I’m making?



The Mortgage

He mortgaged his soul to the Devil,
to get nothing in return,
but the realisation,
he was nothing more,



Talk To Me

Did I ever tell you, the first time I saw you, I fell?  In love?

dscf1336That we were in the making for a year and a half – you just didn’t know it?  That I stayed silent, keeping my emotions in check and that it seemed like forever, and even longer?  That, for 1 year, 6 months, the voices in my head, time after time, gave me reasons?  Reasons to stay silent?  That, I finally plucked-up the courage, to say something?  That…  That… That….?

The first time I saw you, words I never heard before hummed in my head.  Hummmmmmmm.  The first time I saw you I wrote a first poem.  And a second.  And then, a third.  And, with all those sweet humming words, I wrote a fourth, and have not stopped humming words since. But after 1.6 years, with all those letters, and with all those words, I didn’t even know how write out your name.

I thought the moon and stars rose in your eyes.  I did.  I still do.

Like so many times before, times which I know like the back of my hand, you walk into the room, you grab a coffee, and you sit down next to me.  And, like the back of my hand, which I know so well, the voices tell me to stay silent.  I do.  Once again, we sit, side-by-side, silence in-between our space.  But then I hear that hummmmmmmmm.  Those sweet words, those sweet humming words start to fill my head.  Build, build, build.  Building until I have enough words to finally ask, ‘did I ever tell you, the first time I saw you I fell?  In love?’

You smile that smile that I know like the back of my hand, and reply, ‘yes, that’s why I married you.’