The Keepsake

You tell me to keep singing,
I am. Without words, there’d be no songs.  I made that.
Listen to my sweet, sweet blues,
my high, high reds, and my low, low browns.
I am singing.  I’ve never stopped.
You’ve just stopped listening.

You tell me to keep singing,
And I tell you, I am.  Tell me, what would you like to hear?
Do you want to turn my blues into red, my red into blues,
and for me to have no colours in-between?
To turn me into you?

You tell me to keep singing,
I am singing.  I’ve never stopped.
You’ve just stopped listening.



You called yourself a failure because you chipped a finger nail.
That’s when I knew I needed so much more than you;
and you needed so much less of me.


Some day people will ask, ‘what inspires you the most?’ I will turn, look at you, and without having to say one word, they all will know my answer.


You tell me that love is not always beautiful;
a lie betrayed each time I look into your eyes.


Each day for 40 years, he asked her to marry him, and on each day for 40 years, she said ‘yes’.

She once asked him, ‘after 40 years of marriage, why do you still ask?’

‘Just in case you’ve changed your mind,’ he replied, ‘just in case, you’ve changed your mind.’


You freed me.
With you, my limited world, became limitless;
and all that was impossible, suddenly became possible.


I took your hand and squeezed it so hard, I thought I’d die.

In not letting go, I didn’t realise that I klled you instead.


You are terrified of growing old and having things sag;
I am terrified of growing old and saggy without you.

The Destroyess

A destroyer of hopes and dreams – even her own.
She set out to ruin everyone (and everything) she was jealous of.
Her mission accomplished, she soon found there was no one and nothing left but herself.