Bombardments, I see them in the distance, but realise that only a selected few know that truth. I am a see’er. It sounds mystical, because I am. And we – I’ve not knowingly met another one, but I know they exist – are. Mystical.
It takes a village. Bombardments seen in the distance.
See’ers are trained to be indifferent. Not on the outside, but in. Indifferent to indifference to everything they see. I mostly hear (which is odd being a see’er).
It takes a village,
it takes a village.
The others – the see’ers who I’ve not met, but know they exist – want me to be quiet, not on the outside, but in. ‘Keep quiet‘. Well, for me at least.
Bombardments, I see them in the distance, but now realise that only a selected few want to know that truth.
It took a village to keep us quiet.